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David VavBebber


David VavBebber

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David Vanbebber – Pastor

David and his wife Cheryl have lived in Riley for over thirty years. David has pastored at Crossroads Baptist Church during that whole time. David and Cheryl raised their 5 children in Riley, and all of them graduated from Riley County High School. David and Cheryl love Riley and want to see more in the community become active followers of Jesus Christ. David and Cheryl are proud grandparents and active community members.

Cheryl works at USD 383 in the Head Start Program where she is the lead teacher.

David is a bi-vocational pastor. He also is the Pastor of Fostoria Baptist Church.

Pastor David has a Master of Divinity degree (MDiv.) from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has taught at various youth and children's camps, he has spoken at numerous conferences, he has taught on the collegiate level at Missouri State University, he works on the KNCSB Disaster Relief Team, and he has served on numerous mission teams.